

Steph is a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur and an avid triathlete.
"Helping you find your zest in life 🍋"
I am a Melbourne born gal who now lives in Perth, Australia with my little fam bam; my hubby and our two daughters (4yo and 6yo). I am so passionate about leading a healthy and active lifestyle which is how I have managed to navigate through some really tough 'curve ball' moments in my life... I have been on a healing journey and I am in the BEST physical and mental state that I have experienced previously. I want to help inspire others and educate you on ways you can be the best version of you.
A Zest for Life was started when the time arrived for me to return to my corporate job from being on maternity leave with our second daughter; I knew I wanted to create a business out of my passion for wellness [I have always loved stepping inside Health Food Stores and being surrounded by eco products]. I was unsure how I would juggle two young kids, returning to work and starting a business. Weeks before I was due to start back at work from mat leave, I was made redundant which was an incredibly emotional time in my life.
But from that darkness, I was cracked open and I knew that this moment was my chance to take a leap into the unknown. 
We stepped outside of our comfort zone and took the leap to create A Zest for Life. When I say WE, I say that because it is a team effort. My hubby has supported me from the outset, he helps with a lot of our online marketing strategy and created this website from scratch (with no previous IT experience), he is the CFO and is always willing to do all that he can to help me with our business - whilst juggling his day job plus studying part-time.

Our online store is filled with products that we use in our home, products that we genuinely use and love. Brands that we believe in.
Sharing our weekly meal prep and healthy recipes comes from my personal wellness journey and how food plays a huge role in nourishing our body and minds.
I am so proud of what we have created; late nights, early mornings, 7 days per week and all of that comes so much easier when you are working on a business that you are passionate about (especially your own).
It all started with the power of ONE…
ONE meal prep post;
ONE reusable coffee cup;
ONE decision to make a small change to our lifestyle;
and when all of that came together, it culminated into what we have built today which gives us an immense feeling of PRIDE because 'A Zest for Life' was in our dreams and it is now our reality.