PB Stuffed Dates



This is such a simple snack and one that I always have in our freezer as they are soooo yummy 🤩


🥜 Remove the seeds from the Medijool dates

🥜 Place a spoon of homemade peanut butter inside (you could use any nut butter). I’m quite generous here 🙈

🥜 optional: sprinkle with cacabo nibs, caramel buckinis, toasted coconut or anything else that tickles your fancy!

🥜 Pop into the freezer and try to wait patiently 😆


You can definitely eat these as they are but when frozen, the date doesn’t freeze so it just becomes a chewy caramel treat that is delicious 😍


They are a quick snack to prepare and feel like a treat to satisfy your sweet tooth 🙌🏻 #winning